Monday, March 10, 2008

IRS Makes Chilling Proclamation

By Devvy Kidd

October 1, 2003

On September 16, 2003, the IRS hosted a press conference to announce a new partnership with the states of the Union to further violate the rights of Americans in their quest to "generate more revenues."

While it's nothing new for the IRS to continue their unchecked rampage against the American people, there was much more to this little press conference than most folks can appreciate, so I'll spell it out here for everyone.

Since 1999, We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc., based in New York and headed up by Robert Schulz, have petitioned the federal government to answer serious, legitimate questions regarding the legitimacy of the federal income tax and the deliberate misapplication of Title 26 against domestic Americans.

Since 1999, not one single employee, agent or representative of the IRS or the DOJ have felt the need to answer the questions of the people. As is typical with a tyrannical government, these servants of the people have forgotten something very important: This government was created of, by and for the people of these united States of America and the power still lies with the people.

The most chilling of remarks

During this press conference, a senior IRS official by the name of Terry Lemons made the following proclamation in response to a question by David Cay Johnston of the NY Times: Why won't the IRS answer the questions set forth in the petitions from We the People Foundation?

According to Johnston, Lemons said the government is answering our Petitions through "enforcement actions."

The government will now answer legitimate petitions for redress of grievance under the First Amendment through the use of brute force because that’s exactly what the IRS’ "enforcement actions" amount to every day of the week.

This statement by Mr. Lemons is chilling and should be the clarion call to every American out there who values freedom and believes that our rights, so articulately defined in the Bill of Rights, cannot be nullified or taken away by Mr. Lemons or any government official. Finish Article

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