Monday, August 23, 2010


There is now a growing awareness of the Complete Accounting Financial Record scam. How we have been led to believe that State Governments are bankrupt, when there are in essence Trillions of funds that are not included in the budgets be in the un-publicized media black-outed Year-end accounting of all state, local and federal governments.
Governments cry poverty in order to justify the expansion of government control and power. We now work over 6 months of the year to pay for people to prey on us. How wonderful. Walter Burien has been exposing the fraud and deceit for 15 years, now he is just beginning to gain some traction.

State Special Funds May Hold $1.4 Billion In Unspent Revenues

Danny de Gracia II and Kyle Shiroma
Hawaii’s taxpayers might be shocked to discover that while numerous voices in and out of the local political establishment are calling for an increase in the General Excise Tax to cover any future budget shortfalls in education or other state services, upwards of $1.4 billion dollars in unspent excess funds may be sitting in special funds, several of which were tagged by the auditor almost a decade ago for repeal.

According to the Department of Budget and Finance’s “Reports on Non-General Fund Information: Fiscal Years 2006-2012,” some 186 special funds spread across twenty different departments hold an estimated $1,412,357,203 in unspent revenues over and above their operational requirements. In plain language, if the estimates provided by the Department are correct, the state has more than just pocket change stuck in its seats.

Until recently, few members of the public were aware of how many special funds existed, what their purpose was or how much money the State of Hawaii was holding in these accounts. For this reason, Grassroot Institute analysts decided to review the Department’s worksheets and itemize all the special funds to see just what they contained.
Source the evil doers operating in our name. Freedom is claimed not granted.

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