Wednesday, January 12, 2011

U.S. Eagles Sales Set to Top 6 Million for January

The U.S. Mint has just started imposing rationing of U.S. Silver Eagles for the 2011 issue, in anticipation of demand far out-stripping supply. The year end total for 2010 Silver Eagles finished at an all-time record with 34,662,500
The Silver Tsunami is set to hit, where shortages on delivery are going to start to show up at the retailers, all spurred by you the end consumer of physical metal. It is within your grasp now to stop the bankers with the ultimate Silver bullet in the form of a coin; how ironic. Time to make some coin to save the Republic. If you have this as part of your mission statement for life; you will see the red sea part and you will thrive in these decadent end days. With every ending there is a beginning the true meaning of the word Apocalypse.

The single month record for U.S. Silver 1oz Eagles was set in November of 2010 with, 4,260,000 sold. Currently the for the 2011 U.S. Silver Eagle issue is 3,357,000oz as of Jan 11th. Consider that U.S. Silver eagles sales have hovered around 10,000,000oz sold for the entire year till 2007 since the program was started in 1986. The sales of Silver eagles started to heat up in 2007 with over 19 million oz sold. The last three years has been an upward spike in sales from year to year. Consider also that the whole silver mining production is about 40 million oz of silver and that there are no Silver reserves held by the U.S. government.

At the current month's pace, Silver eagles sales will crack 6 million oz setting off the physical short squeeze that Ted Butler, Bix Weir and Jason Hommel have been talking about for years. Now more than ever is the time to buy Silver and divest yourself of the paper fraud that has kept up in bondage for almost 100 years since the creation of the Federal Reserve back in the day. If you want to end the Fed then buy Silver; it is that simple at this moment in history. It is sort of like a pile-on for a fumble. The opportunity in Silver is now, but only in the physical form. Only buying physical Silver bullion will end the Fed, not SLV or ETF's. With those certificates, you are part of the problem not the solution.

Paul Bea is the Monex rep that I use. Monex is a low-cost Silver supplier with 100oz min. 800-949-4653 x2172 Use Kevin from as a referral.

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