Thursday, May 24, 2012

Ron Paul Wracking Up Delegates

By Mason Buran The Republican National Convention is only three months away and the Republican GOP race has only just begun. After this previous weekend, only 818 of the 2286 delegates have been allocated. The Ron Paul Revolution is making a strong showing in second behind Romney. In Maine, Ron Paul won decisively, 21 to 3. Virginia, a state in which Romney won by 20%, Paul has been allocated 17 delegates to Romney’s 16. However, 16 delegates have yet to be allocated and will be in the Virginia state convention which will be held on June 16th. In Michigan, where Paul was not expected to win any of the delegates, he won 8 to Romney’s 22. Minnesota, where Paul finished third, he was allocated a 32 to 8 victory over Romney. In Iowa, Paul has won all 13 of the allocated delegates and expects to win a large sum of the 12 yet to be allocated on June 15th. Colorado, Paul has won 18 to Romney’s 16. Lastly, Nevada, a state that has drawn a large amount of GOP controversy, Paul has won 22 of the 25 delegates. However, there are a few more states where Paul is expecting to win more delegates. In Washington, Paul is expecting to do extremely well. Washington has 43 delegates yet to be allocated and will be … Continued @ source This is the victory of the passionate and the intelligent over evil. Evil runs rampant when good men remain silent. The lion has awakened and Ron Paul supporters will continue to run rough shod over the GOP. The GOP will soon be the Ron Paul Party by the Republican Convention in Tampa. Supports freedom everywhere..

Saturday, April 7, 2012

U.S. Civilflags Newsletter: Debt Elimination EFT's, Oath of Office

About 6 years ago, I did something called the Bills of exchange to pay off $120,000 in credit card debt. For two months the debt had cleared and then suddenly all the charges just re-appeared on all my credit card bills. I then started to recieve the onslaught of calls and letters from the creditors. I was a deer in the headlights not knowing which way to turn. I actually got back the bills of exchange in the mail with stamps from the Federal Reserve bank. When the charges started to re-appear back on the cards, I got so angry I just ripped up the Bills of exchange. The calls got more virtriolic as the vulturous 3rd party creditors circled over head as I ultilized the ostrich technique to fend off these carrion feeders to no avail.

I decided to throw in the towel and declare bankruptcy. It was a fairly clean affair, I walked into bankruptcy hearing, told them a saga,( some of it was true) and was out in 10 minutes. Since I did not have any property to steal, I lost nothing except for the debts which were claimed as income on my next year's taxes. I have been around the sovereign processes, but was frustrated in never getting the complete story from guru's of the movements. The fear level was also simply too high for my brain to function to see the truth. Recently, I ran into the website for elimination of all credit card, mortgage and student loan debt using an EFT process. Several of my friends successfully used the process to clear credit card debt and one $1200 bill from the DMV.

I did not want to try the process until I knew fully what the hell I was doing, understanding that banks and lawyers do not play fair but prey on weakness and ignorance. The seminar was being held in Charlotte North Carolina, so I decided to take a trip for the weekend. It is a 3 day affair that costs $225 for the weekend very reasonable from a cost point of view. The first day is only $25 so if you can only afford a day the first day is the ticket. Fred Gutierez is a riot, warm sarcastic incredibly funny and a warrior for the truth. This guy is similar to Tony Robbins in his approach to rehabilitate the trauma caused by police officers, lawyers, 3rd party creditors and the dreaded bill collectors with guns.

At the seminar I whipped off an EFT for one credit card that has worked as of this week. What I have now though is the confidence to deal with any type of creditor, 3rd party, first party, mortgage lender, student loan. Fred has an ingenious way of turning commercial courts into article 3 Constitutional courts. This is a question that people often ask me when they are purchasing flags, they think that by walking into court with a Civil flag that they can try to force the change of venue with the replacement of the Admiralty flag. The problem is that the flag is a symptom of the problem not the cause. When a judge is up there, he is operating outside his constitutional oath until you place him under his oath. What Fred does is trot down to the county recorder's office or state office and get a copy of the judge's oath before he walks into a court room. If there is a police officer involved, he will get his oath as well. There are surety bonds associated with all public officials. Fred writes out his criminal affidavit of truth witnessed by a notary, he then attaches a notice of his status as a living soul and the oaths of office to the affidavit and abracadabra, the law of the land is back in play.

If they refuse to play ball at that point and still want to continue injuring your god-given constitutionally protected rights. Fred will proceed to going after their bonds and billing the insurer of the public official. This can be done also with the Executor process of David Clarence, but these legal processes should not be mixed together. To get the real skinny though I would take the course, it will remove most of the fear you have in dealing with the government. I have retained a massive amount of information that I heard at the seminar although at the time, I thought I was not integrating the material. I am mentally much more functional after the seminar as a result in the reduction of the fear. Fred and Nina also have legal processes to deal with Homes in foreclosure as well as obtaining the land patents to dump Real Estate taxes and get rid of the need for building permits. It is your property after-all.

USCivilflag-Home of the vertical Striped Sovereign flag

Sunday, February 19, 2012

US Civilflag Newsletter: Ron Paul's Supporters Outsmart RNC and the Turning of the Tide towards Freedom

I am an energy guy, I sense movements of energy before they manifest on the physical plane. You could say it is a form of prophecy; I just see it as sensitivity. While the outer form appears to be getting worse, like the passage of NDDA and the appearance of the failure of the Ron Paul movement to gain traction with the populace. The actual truth underneath is quite surprising, like in Vegas two weeks ago watching the Super Bowl; I felt the shift towards the Giants before the miraculous throw by Manning and catch by Manningham, even before the dropped pass by Wes Welker.
Miracles are created by massive movements of energy that take time to be made manifest. Reading the post game recaps of the Super Bowl, it was remarkable to see that when the Giants got the ball back on the last drive that the whole team knew that they were now going to win; in fact that belief carried them through the whole week and they had to bite their tongue not to appear arrogant. Flying back from Vegas, I saw that Ron Paul had finished second in Maine on CNN. The truth again was far different; Ron Paul had in fact won Maine and by a substantial margin except for the shenanigans of the RNC in Maine. Maine is now being run over by a swarm of idealistic 20 year olds that are in the midst of hijacking the Republican party there.
On the same flight back from Vegas, it was a long flight, to my surprise I watched a segment on the Rachel Maddow show about the quiet amassing of delegates by Ron Paul in the caucus states that rivals the Mitt and the Rick. How can that be? Apparently Ron Paul supporters do not have the attention span of guppies like most followers of CNN, they have read the rules and play the game and end up as the delegate. All lawful and legal in a pharisee sort of way; it is the panzer division of wicked smart kids that are ruling the day as the stupid sound bite TV watchers that barely have enough ram to retain a phone number are being crushed under a designer boot. Where is all this leading too? Maybe a brokered convention where the Mitt, the Rick and the Newt supporters will sell themselves out for a box of chocolates followers the lead of their yellow-bellied leaders.
What is most true in America today is that cowardice is a badge of honor and that character remains the domain of a select few earned not handed out like a box of chocolates or a government check for signing a form and emitting CO2. There are many other signs that the wicked smart are breaking through the illusion of the magic of the media and the witchcraft of the banks and the courts. David Clarence who is somewhere buried on my email list has perfected the ultimate shield and weapon against the de-facto agents of the Corporation posing as our government. It is known as the executor process, it can bring you back from the dead into the land of the living and make your accusers liable for your welfare. How bout them apples? I have seen it work firsthand with a vicious federal case who wrongly accused a friend of mine of nothing. In the ensuing two and a half years of nothing. His wife left him, he sent all his savings, lost his house and moved into trailer. A verifiable story of Job where the good man is attacked by the devil to see if he can be broken. The case was set to go to trial and the prosecutor was seeking 7 years for nothing, he lined up witnesses that were paid to lots of money to lie. The irony here is that the accused was paid the fair market rate for his services of $700 to do what he gets paid to do; while the Fed's witness was paid get this over $100,000 to do what the accused was paid $700. The Fed conviction rate is 97.5% or something to that effect. This can only happened in the land of monopoly money. A week after submission of the executor papers, the case was dismissed for a song and a dance. Two and a half years and over a million dollars down the drain, but the good news is that everyone is paid. That is the point of the Defacto, to collect money and keep the train going. It has nothing to do with Truth, Justice and the American way; that is why this lie is about to end. I have other secrets that I can't reveal, but trust in this, the tide has turned in the affairs of men.
Here is the pitch to make some coin, I have some Ron Paul patches, books and hats (Ron Paul Hat not shown on link specify in paypal notation box when ordering) still left with the Sons of liberty logo with the original vertical striped flag that lays in the backroom at the Massachusetts Historical Society. The Return of the Republic is a movement of energy that extends way beyond Ron Paul back to the Dejure government of our Founding Fathers; that is about to return in a big way as this Tsunami of energy is about to hit the American shores.
